Featured Dealer

Our “Featured Dealerships” for the months of December & January!

RightWay:  A Car Buying Experience done the Right Way!
Check out their inventory: www.rightway.com
Two Convenient Locations:
Elkhart:  1201 N. Nappanee St., Elhart, IN 46514 (574) 333-3339.
South Bend:  50537 State Hwy. 933, South Bend, IN (574) 404-5473.
Discount Auto LLC:  Building Relationships one car at a time!
Check out their inventory:  www.cars-nwi.com
8602 Mississippi St., Merrillville, IN 46410 (219) 213-4208.



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Auto rates starting as low as 5.99% APR* to qualified buyers. $100 loan doc fee will apply on all installment loans.  *$10 Account opening fee required for all new members.

RV rates starting as low as 6.50% APR*

APR=Annual Percentage Rate.

*Rate is based on credit score/history.

Rates subject to change without notice.